Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And the Next Day I felt....

Way better.

It was Saturday, and I got to sleep late, wake to a cute 4 year old inviting me for chocolate chip pancakes she made with her dad for us, a clean kitchen courtesy of the Swededaddy, and a fridge stocked with the basics thanks to the grocery truck that drives around selling food (which deserves a post of it's own). Not to mention 'Barnbidrag' the money you get for each of your kids in Sweden had magically appeared in the bank account over night, and there was another deposit from SwedeDaddy's work- money for meals the company would reimburse him for. We ended up in town, hanging on a well populated playground enjoying sun with the city dwellers, finding a great Indian lunch buffet, and eating delicious coconut Italian gelato while watching the people near the train station.

Louise Hay says when you see your good appearing, do not be discouraged and say 'But that's not enough!', instead just notice the buds of new growth and new good, and celebrate saying 'Look, it's coming!'

So I give thanks for the little buds of change literal and figurative, cheering them on knowing they are new growth of the best kind, like the first signs of spring.